The Advantages of Natural Stone Pavers on a Home Property

Posted on: 21 June 2023

There aren't many natural or manufactured materials as beautiful as natural stone, which may explain in part why stone pavers are so popular for home gardens. Here's an outline of other advantages you can enjoy.

Colour Variety

Natural stone comes in multiple earthy colours, which you can integrate into your space. To cover the garden in fawn, pink and beige, use travertine or limestone pavers. For bolder gold tones, you can use sandstone. On the other hand, you can install slate, granite or bluestone if you want cool, dark shades. These rocks are available in grey, blue and brown colours.

Stone also varies in terms of the blend of colours on a paver. Some pavers are carved from a relatively uniform slab that may have a subtle wash of blue and grey. Other pavers, especially slate, can feature bold contrasts. A chunk of slate, for example, can change from blue to orange to brown-grey across the surface.

The Garden's Ambience

You should consider the brightness of the garden area where you will be placing the pavers. Is it bright and sunny or dark and shady? You can use the paver colour to alter the ambience. For example, use ivory, cream and fawn pavers to make the paved area appear bigger and brighter. Though bear in mind that pale-toned pavers can appear washed out in bright sunlight, a bolder shade can work better in a particular area.

The best way to judge the possible effects is to examine paver samples in your yard under diverse conditions. Other practicalities are important as well. For example, light pavers tend to show dirt more than dark ones. This is especially relevant if the paving will carry a lot of traffic or people will regularly walk over it in mud-splattered shoes.

Strength and Maintenance

An outdoor stone paver is carved from chunks of rock; most varieties are strong and can withstand plenty of wear and tear. If you want an especially robust stone, you could use granite.

While stone pavers don't need much maintenance, they do need regular sealing. A sealant forms a non-porous film that blocks dirt and liquids from permeating the surface. After the pavers have been in place for a while, you can check the sealant with a water test. Pour a small amount of water over the paving. If it soaks into the pavers and forms a dark spot, the pavers may be due for the application of sealant. 

For more info about outdoor stone pavers, contact a local company. 
